This week’s Come Follow Me lesson was February 10–16: “That You May Come Off Conqueror, Doctrine and Covenants 10–11.” Section 10 was given to Hyrum Smith, who wanted to learn what he could do to assist with the work his brother, Joseph Smith Jr., was doing. To learn more about Hyrum, I thought it would be interesting to see if any of my relatives were related to Hyrum’s descendants. Unlike his brother, Joseph Smith...
This week’s Come Follow Me lesson is about Oliver Cowdery. I was surprised to learn that my husband’s third cousin five times removed married into the Cowdery family. My husband’s fourth great grandmother, Anna Nash, was born in Butternuts, Otsego, New York, 16 years before her second cousin, Aaron Nash Jackson, had a son named Daniel Jackson, also born in Butternuts. Daniel would grow up to marry Phebe Cowdery, Oliver Cowdery’s half sister, in Kirtland,...
Today I’m writing about my husband’s 4th-great-grandfather, Phinehas Richards. This week’s Come, Follow Me lesson, “My Work Shall Go Forth,” Doctrine and Covenants 3-5, includes a revelation to Joseph Smith Senior, who was an associate of Phinehas. I enjoyed learning about both of them. I received an authored source that has been extremely helpful for learning about the Richards family, Richards Family History, edited by Joseph Grant Stevenson. The book is out of print, and...
Spiritual manifestations were recorded among early members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Like Joseph Smith’s vision of an angel, my ancestor, William Henry Kelsey recorded spiritual manifestations that occurred to himself and others in his diary during his time as a young missionary in England. This is the third post in my series about my ancestors and church history following this year’s Come Follow Me curriculum. This week’s lesson is titled,...
Levi Richards is the 4th-great-granduncle of my husband, and brother to the well-known secretary of Joseph Smith Jr., Willard Richards. Levi Richards was born on April 14, 1799, to parents Joseph Richards and Rhoda Howe in Hopkinton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.[1] Rhoda’s sister was the mother of Brigham Young, making Levi and Willard the first cousin of Brigham.[2] Levi Richards Levi Richards joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 31 December 1836 in...
This year I am studying the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the context surrounding my ancestors’ membership in the early church. Many of my ancestors and my husband’s ancestors were baptized into the Church in the 1830s and 1840s. A study of the digitized manuscripts available from The Joseph Smith Papers as well as The Church History Catalog shed light on the context surrounding our ancestor’s lives. My goal is to...
If you seek ways to connect young people and families to their ancestors, guest blogger Tanya Neider has developed a set of Google Forms that provides various learning activities. As a fellow member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the LDS family history perspective shines through. Tanya also participated in our Family History is for Everyone series so we could learn more about her, and I’ve included her answers at the end...
A few years ago Diana wrote about a youth activity she created with a Mission: Possible Theme. I recently adapted this idea so the missions could all be completed using the Family Tree app on a smartphone. This was a really successful activity and I’m excited to share my adaptation along with all the materials you will need to carry out the activity with your own youth group or family. Youth and leaders alike...
At RootsTech in February, Nicole and I had the opportunity to participate in an interview with the executive director of the family history department for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elder Kevin S. Hamilton. Among the topics he discussed was a new FamilySearch feature called Learn About Your Family. It’s built right into the FamilySearch home page. You will see it prior to login. This tool is available on the desktop version...
Are you going to be at Rootstech 2020 in Salt Lake City? If so, we’d love to visit with you in person. For the first time, Family Locket Genealogists will have a booth in the Expo Hall for the entire conference. We have some exciting things planned to help you in your genealogy and family history endeavors. Research Like a Pro Meet-up and Research Like a Pro Ribbons Collecting ribbons for your conference name tag...