Daniel Arnold Research Project Overview
Hi there, I’m Nicole Dyer. My team of experienced researchers at Family Locket Genealogists are working on an ongoing research project to discover the parents of Daniel Arnold. Read about us here: About Family Locket Genealogists.
Research Objective
The objective of this research project is to answer the following question: Who was the father of Daniel Arnold? Daniel was born 6 August 1806 in Saratoga County, New York, and died 15 Jun 1881 in Henderson, Jefferson, New York, and married Lydia Willey.
Research Reports
To read about the progress made in previous research phases, click on the articles below.
Nicole Dyer, “Who Were the Parents of Daniel Arnold?” – November 2020, Arnold report #1, Family Locket Genealogists, 24 November 2020.
Alice Childs, “Who Were the Parents of Daniel Arnold?” – July 2021, Arnold report #2, Family Locket Genealogists, 21 July 2021.
Alice Childs, “Who Were the Parents of Daniel Arnold?” – July 2022, Arnold report #3, Family Locket Genealogists, 23 June 2022.
Phase #3 Progress
Currently, research is focused on finding DNA matches who descend from Chloe Woodward’s parents Joshua Woodward and Sarah Clemons, to test the hypothesis that Amasa Arnold and Chloe Woodward were the parents of Daniel Arnold. By separating each current DNA test-taker’s matches into genetic networks, a small number of matches have been identified who descend from Chloe Woodward’s side of the family. Work to verify each of these matches’ generational links back to common ancestors on the Woodward and Clemons line is presently being conducted. These DNA matches are 5-6 cousins. When working with common ancestors that far in the past, a larger body of test-takers is needed to find matches who share DNA with the proposed common ancestors to add validity to hypothesized familial connections.
DNA Test-Takers
Descendants of Daniel Arnold
So far six descendants of Daniel Arnold have shared their AncestryDNA results with us. To achieve the best coverage of his genome and a higher likelihood of finding DNA matches relevant to his parents’ families, more descendants of Daniel Arnold are needed, especially those who descend through children of Daniel besides Amos George Arnold.
To find relevant matches that will help find the parents of Daniel Arnold, more autosomal DNA test takers are needed to share their DNA test results at AncestryDNA. The more descendants that share their results through independent child lines, the more coverage will be achieved. See:
Paul Woodbury, “Covering Your Bases: Introduction to Autosomal DNA Coverage,” blog post, 2020, Legacy Tree Genealogists (https://www.legacytree.com/blog/introduction-autosomal-dna-coverage : accessed 28 April 2022).
Project Ended
—We are not looking for additional test takers at this time.–
Contact Information
Nicole Dyer