RLP Peer Group Leaders
Research Like a Pro and Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Groups
We are looking for experienced genealogists who are interested in being peer group leaders for our Research Like a Pro and Research Like a Pro with DNA study groups.
Peer group leaders (formerly known as mentors) for our traditional RLP study group should have experience following the RLP process and writing a report. RLP with DNA peer group leaders should have experience integrating DNA evidence into their genealogy research and writing their conclusions in a report.
Peer group leaders receive:
-complimentary registration for the study group
-feedback on their assignments from one other peer group leader and your assigned participants. One of the instructors will also provide feedback on three of the assignments including the final report.
Peer group leaders responsibilities include:
-attending weekly sessions on Wednesdays in either the afternoon or evening group
-completing weekly assignments along with the participants
-reviewing and providing feedback on the assignments of about five participants and one peer group leader each week
-leading a 30-minute peer group discussion via Zoom weekly on Mondays at one of the following times: 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, or 8 pm MT. The purpose of the peer group session is for each participant to discuss their personal project and experience completing the assignment.
To access the schedule of upcoming study groups, see the following informational pages.
– Research Like a Pro Study Group info page
– Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group info page
To apply, please fill out the following form: RLP Peer Group Leader Application Form
The form will ask you to fill out a summary of your genealogy experience and a work sample showing how you have used DNA evidence in a genealogy research problem. Instead of typing out your genealogy experience, you may upload a resume along with your work sample.
For questions, contact Nicole@FamilyLocket.com or Diana@FamilyLocket.com.