In this episode of Research Like a Pro, Nicole Dyer and Diana Elder speak with Sam Howes, an archivist at Bates College in Maine. They discuss his work managing the official records of the college, including administrative documents, student records, yearbooks, and special collections. Sam explains what types of materials college archives typically maintain, like trustee meeting minutes, presidential records, alumni newsletters, student government documents, and more. He notes that confidentiality restrictions can limit access...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about Diana’s visit to the South Carolina Department of Archives and History to learn more about William Keaton, our ancestor. William Keaton received a land grant in the late 1700s in Pendleton District, which became Anderson County. Diana shares what she learned in her visit to the archives and we discuss the land grant. Transcript Nicole (1s): This is Research Like a Pro episode 282, finding William...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is a continuation of our series on tracing 19th century German ancestors. Heidi Mathis is back sharing about what to do next after you find the hometown of your ancestor in Germany. We discuss Archion, the German website for Protestant records and how to find baptismal records there. We also talk about the German mega-site, which can be used to locate German Genealogical Societies, German State Archives,...
In previous posts of this series, “Tracing Your 19th German Ancestors,” we began searching in America to learn everything possible about our ancestor before researching in Germany. In part 4 we learned steps for reading German-language records. In part 5 we will finally take a virtual trip to Germany. We will first show how to search Archion, the German website for Protestant records, in hopes of finding the baptism record for Burkhard Schlag (our example...
The Missouri History Museum operated by the Missouri Historical Society. See “The Jefferson Memorial Building and the intersection of Lindell Boulevard and DeBaliviere Avenue after the completion of construction for the River des Peres Sewerage and Drainage Project in the area, 25 September 1930,” Wikimedia, ( : accessed 17 April 2021). Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about exploring the major state repositories for Missouri research. We discuss some of the major record...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about how to research in state-level archives. Join us as we talk with Senior Archivist at the Maine Archives, Sam Howes. Sam is a genealogist who received a master’s degree in Archives Management and has been working at the Maine Archives for several years. He shares exciting news about the launch of the Maine Archives online catalog. Links Maine State Archives Maine State Archives Catalog Maine, State...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about finding records for the friends, associates, and neighbors of your ancestors in archives. Melissa Barker, the Archive Lady, teaches us all about archives. Tune in to learn more about different types and levels of archives, what you might find there, and best practices for using them. Links What Your Ancestor’s Neighbors Can Tell You – handout by Melissa Barker RLP 55 – It’s Not All Online:...
FamilySearch recently announced a new partnership with The Permanent Legacy Foundation. The announcement described the foundation as providing “a service that allows people to upload document, photo, audio, and video files in a secure, permanent place for current and future generations to enjoy and cherish.” My initial question on reading about this partnership was “Why would I choose to upload and store materials in a Permanent Archive at when I am already uploading memories...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about how to prepare for a visit to a library or archive. These repositories hold valuable records for genealogists – but many of us have not visited one before. Today we’ll talk with Melissa Barker, the Archive Lady, about how to make the most of your visit to any library or archive. Links A Genealogist in the Archives Blog Melissa Barker’s Legacy Family Tree Webinar...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about finding records in archives. Maybe you have already exhausted all the online records and are ready to find those additional records that haven’t been digitized yet. In repositories like courthouses and archives, you may be able to find unique and relatively unknown records. Join us as we talk with Melissa Barker, the Archive Lady, about how to find records like manuscript collections, voting records, photographs, school...