Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about pensions given to soldiers of various U.S. conflicts. Our guest, Michael Strauss, AG, discusses each war, the kind of pension records that are available to veterans and survivors, and where to find them. Join us as we talk with Michael about this substantial federal record group. Links Prologue Magazine – National Archives Publication Genealogy Research Network – website of Michael Strauss, includes his lectures, speaking schedule,...
Diana and Nicole at the Tucson Family History Center Diana and I gave the keynote at the Tucson Family History Fair Saturday. It was entitled Getting Organized One Paper at a Time. Afterward, we taught seven additional classes between the two of us. It was a delightful conference! What we loved most was the enthusiasm and interest of the attendees. They were very engaged with ideas, questions, and comments. There were over 300 people in...
Today at RootsTech I’ll be teaching about Confederate soldiers and how to learn about them with online collections and articles. The online syllabus with links to collections is available here: Sources to Research Confederate Soldiers Online – RootsTech syllabus with additional resources After the class today, I will also share the slides from the presentation. I started researching my Confederate soldiers when I taught my children about Memorial Day last year. My 7-year-old son wanted...
Which census records are the best to search? All of them! Each census of an individual’s life provides valuable information. The trick is in learning to evaluate and analyze the data. You don’t know what you don’t know, so today I’ll be sharing ideas for how to use the censuses that you’ve already located. I’ll also share my favorite links for census research, and demystify the non-population schedules. If you missed it, in Back to the...
Today I’m pleased to share a guest post written by Beverly Scott. Bev tells about the mystery of her grandfather’s life, her genealogical journey to uncover the truth about him, and her decision to turn the story into a historical fiction novel. She had always wanted to write her family’s story, but as she researched, she realized that it would be best to write historical fiction. Read a little bit about her decision to write her...
Are you sure you’ve found all of the clues in the census records for your family? After you look at the names, ages, and birthplaces, do you pay attention to the rest of the questions and answers? Census records are one of the most valuable tools for a researcher, not only for the information reported, but for the clues to other records. I recently revisited the 1910 census looking for clues on my great, great...