Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about what you should do with your autosomal DNA results. If you have a huge match list and no idea what to do with it, this episode is for you. We’ll go over four steps to help you get started with contacting cousins, noting your relationship, and preparing to use your DNA as evidence for future research projects. Links Understanding and Using Your DNA Results – 4...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about is all about the different types of DNA tests. Robin Wirthlin, our genetic genealogist, tells about the basics of DNA testing, which tests might help answer certain questions, and how to know which company to test with. Links Which DNA Test Should I Take? blog post by Robin at Family Locket DNA-Recommended Testing Strategy blog post by Robin at Family Locket The Shared cM Project 3.0...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about how land grants and patents were received from the federal government. Diana tells about the process for our ancestors who applied for a land patent in federal land states and the papers that were created in the process. She ordered the Land Entry Case File from the National Archives for Thomas B. Royston and tells all about each paper contained in the file and its genealogical...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about United States land records, specifically deeds. We talk about how to use the deed index and how important it is to learn how the index is organized. Whether it’s a direct, indirect, russell, or other index, you will want to know how to find your relative’s name in it. We also talk about our ancestor, Edward Raymond Kelsey, and how we found a deed for his...
In our podcast episode today, Diana and I discuss several reasons to research land. A land record may reveal the following: a family relationship, clues to past or present residence, associates, evidence of migration, and more. We also explain the differences between “state land states” and “federal land states” in the United States system of land distribution. We look at the metes and bounds system of land measurement as well as the grid system (township...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is an interview with Susan Modzelewski, a graduate of our Research Like a Pro study group. Susan is a member of the Pima County Genealogy Society, where she met Nicole. She has been doing family history for over 20 years. She said that at the beginning, “genealogy was fun, quick and easy. I thought researching my family was going to be a breeze. Then the research became...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about Scandinavian Research. We talk to Jenny Hansen, AG, who has been an accredited genealogy professional for 20 years. She tells us tips for researching relatives in the Scandinavian countries. We ask her all of our questions and learn more about researching our ancestors from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Her wealth of knowledge and experience is evident as she speaks. We’re so glad we got to talk...
In our podcast episode today, Diana and I discuss why you might want to go back to research that you did in the past and check it again. There are three specific reasons why we suggest doing this, which we talk about in this episode. Hint hint – you’ll discover more things as more records become available and online! Links 3 Reasons to Revisit Your Research – blog post by Diana How to Research Like...
In our podcast episode today, Diana and I discuss the last element of research planning – making a prioritized list. During this part of research planning, you choose what to search first. Many people wonder how to know which record is the best to search first. We answer that question in today’s podcast. Links Research Like a Pro eCourse – on sale beginning May 8! $99. Sale ends May 22. How to Research Like a...
In our podcast episode today, Diana and I discuss how to create a genealogy reference center in Evernote. Do you have stacks of handouts from genealogy conferences and classes? What are you doing with that blog post or online article you know you’ll need in the future? Can you quickly find reference information that you saved from a lecture? Knowing how to access these items can help you become more efficient in your genealogy research....