Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro, Diana and Nicole discuss the challenges of genealogical research in areas with severe record loss, using northeastern Arkansas counties as a case study. They offer five tips to help researchers make progress despite such setbacks. They advise starting by understanding the extent of the record loss, suggesting sources like the FamilySearch Wiki to determine what records might still exist despite events like fires or floods. They emphasize the...
If you’ve tried researching in an area with severe record loss, you’ll know this comes with many challenges. Often, the records you need most to prove relationships don’t exist: probate, marriage, deeds, etc. All is not lost, though; with perseverance, you can make progress one step at a time. Using my research in northeastern Arkansas burned counties, I’ll show examples of how I reconstructed a family using alternate jurisdictions, attention to detail, and correlating every...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about Diana’s research on Mary Clemsy (Cline) Weatherford. Clemsy is a brick wall ancestor. We don’t know who her parents were, and record are challenging to come by due to record loss in Izard County, Arkansas. However, Diana shares how she found substitute records at the state and federal level that helped locate a hypothesized father for Clemsy – John C. Cline. FAN club research also helped...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about Diana’s findings in the Clemsy Cline Research project. Diana shares how her research logging and report writing went and then outlines what she found. Learn more about how she used land and tax records to track Jacob, John, and Mahala Cline, possible relatives of Clemsy, despite several relevant counties experiencing record loss. Transcript Nicole (1s): This is Research Like A Pro episode 230 Finding A Female’s...