After you write about your DNA research results, you may want to share your report. What should you do to prepare your report for sharing and/or publication? When your research includes living people and their DNA match information, how does that impact the steps you take? There are several considerations, including private vs. public sharing, permission, and safeguards against separation. Once your document is ready to share, how do you post it? Ancestry trees, the...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about how to write a research report after your have completed your research plan. Typically a client report is about research in progress. You discuss what was found in the amount of time that was allotted. A report for yourself can be similar. Discuss the starting objective and what was known, then go through the searches that were performed and what was found. Join us as we...
Have you thought about the steps to take to work through a DNA research project? Have you ever been stuck or lost during a project and wondered what you should do next? What do you do? I’ve thought about it a lot, and it motivated me to create DNA Process Trees that have a stepwise model/instructions/flowchart of the main steps to take when working through a DNA research objective. The steps help me maximize the...
Imagine reading a genealogical article and discovering that your name has been published along with your DNA information and conclusions about your ancestors. How would you feel? How would you react?Some people may not mind if their private information is published. In contrast, others – probably a majority – don’t appreciate their names, parents’ names, grandparents’ names, etc., published for anyone to see. It is about privacy and ethics.Privacy and EthicsWe value privacy in our...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about portfolio element four: the research report prepared for another person. To apply to the Board for Certification of Genealogists you must submit a research report that meets standards. You cannot submit a report that focuses on your own ancestors. Listen in as we discuss the requirements, best practices for reports, and the rubrics for grading this portfolio element. Links Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) BCG...
Can we tell the story of our great-grandmothers when few records naming them exist? What sources can we use to weave a narrative that will draw us closer to them as well as honor their contributions? My great, great-grandmother, Eliza Ann Isenhour died in Indian Territory at the age of 48. According to family stories, she was full-blooded Cherokee. I wanted to know more about this woman whose DNA I carry. Researching her story revealed...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about how to write about your genetic genealogy research. After keeping track of your searches in your research log, you are ready to write about what you found in a report. We discuss what to include in the report, how to discuss genetic connections, and ideas for making the report flow. Links DNA Research Reports – the Ultimate Finish by Robin at Family Locket Writing a Research...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is an interview with Alice Childs. Alice is a professional genealogist and recent graduate of our Research Like a Pro with DNA study group. She is sharing the DNA research process she used to discover a client’s immigrant ancestors’ origins. She is also sharing the full report, so scroll down to find the link to her services pages where it’s listed as a work sample! We are also...
You’ve analyzed your DNA, compared it with family history information and records, and worked diligently to gather information about your family—What’s next? The final step in the Research Like a Pro with DNA process is to write your conclusions and correlate the information in a report. This report may be written to yourself, family members, or clients. It’s a summary of the information about your DNA matches, common ancestors, and verification of biological connections to...
In our podcast episode today, Diana and I discuss how to put information from records into a table to help you organize the data and make connections. Nicole tells about a land study that she did and organizing lots of deeds by clustering the rows in the table by the names of the witnesses. Diana talks about showing data about a person’s age from each census year with a table. Join us for a discussion...