If you seek ways to connect young people and families to their ancestors, guest blogger Tanya Neider has developed a set of Google Forms that provides various learning activities. As a fellow member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the LDS family history perspective shines through. Tanya also participated in our Family History is for Everyone series so we could learn more about her, and I’ve included her answers at the end...
A few years ago Diana wrote about a youth activity she created with a Mission: Possible Theme. I recently adapted this idea so the missions could all be completed using the Family Tree app on a smartphone. This was a really successful activity and I’m excited to share my adaptation along with all the materials you will need to carry out the activity with your own youth group or family. Youth and leaders alike...
I have a great family history activity for children to share today – teaching children to find names for the temple by doing family history research with historical records! The activity was created by Alana Anderson. Alana lives in an LDS stake near me in Tucson. She is an activity day leader and did the Finding Franklin Time Machine Activity with her group. It went so well, that she decided to create a “Family History...
I recently helped with a neighboring stake’s Family Discovery Day. I was delighted to be contacted about it. We came up with family history ideas to keep the children busy for 3 hours while their parents attended the classes. I was just one of the people who helped, and each person who did had unique and wonderful ideas. The kids all had a great time! My friend who was teaching an adult class heard a...
Do you live in the Salt Lake City area or are you planning a visit in the near future? 24 July 2017 marks the 170th anniversary of the first wave of Mormon pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley. What better way to celebrate your pioneer heritage than to load up the children and go on an adventure. Here are 13 places to check out, along with maps, links, and tips for parent/grandparent survival. East of...
Today I’m sharing a memorable and inspirational stake activity days event that I recently attended for 8-11 year old girls. Since I’m not in that age range, I’ll explain why I attended! After the Tucson family history fair when I shared my presentation, “Kid Genealogists,” I was lucky enough to chat with two incredible primary leaders. One was a friend who I had worked with before our stake boundaries changed (and who also shared a guest...
Today, we have a guest post by one of our readers, Lindsey Crouch. Lindsey found our post about teaching youth to use census records, then adapted it for a younger age group. She’s here to share her documents and lesson plan so anyone can recreate the activity to teach children about census records. Enjoy! -Nicole —- Hi, I’m Lindsey I’m originally from Idaho and graduated from Utah State in social work. I’m a life-long learner and a mom...
Need a fun activity to help your youth learn to research census records? “Finding Franklin” gives them the opportunity to discover the wealth of information that can be found in a census. Questions about Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States lead the youth to find specifics about his family and occupation over a span of 48 years. They can then use the skills they’ve developed to find their own family in the census records....
Do you need a fun activity to help the youth in your ward get interested in family history? How about a Family Home Evening or Sunday activity for the whole family? Try MISSION POSSIBLE and see that it is possible to do family history! I created the MISSION POSSIBLE youth activity in response to Elder Anderson’s Find, Take, Teach Challenge. Purpose We wanted to give the youth in our ward an opportunity to teach their families...
For Christmas last year, I hosted a craft night for my friends. We made these easy, quick photo pendants! I first saw these at a family reunion, where some of the adult granddaughters had created them for the girl cousins. I thought they were so pretty and so symbolic of keeping memories of family close to our heart. These photo pendants make unique, affordable gifts. For the girls in my husband’s family, I made six of the...