I have a great family history activity for children to share today – teaching children to find names for the temple by doing family history research with historical records! The activity was created by Alana Anderson.
Alana lives in an LDS stake near me in Tucson. She is an activity day leader and did the Finding Franklin Time Machine Activity with her group. It went so well, that she decided to create a “Family History Mystery” activity to take it a step further with her own family, and share it at her stake activity days event.
The girls and their parents sat down at tables and used a worksheet with hints and transcribed records to discover more about Alana’s Grandpa Art and his mother Anna.
In this blog post, we are sharing the worksheet with the hints, the transcribed censuses and marriage licenses, and a custom family group sheet for them to fill in as they go, in the downloads section below. Here is an image of the transcribed census record, making it easy for children to read:
Starting with Art and Nora Coffey, pictured below, children can read the transcribed census and marriage records to find out more about Art’s mother Anna.
Using this four page document, children can look at the records to fill out questions:
Download Free Printables
To download the materials for this activity, use the links below:
Family History Mystery: Finding Anna worksheets – docx file that you can edit to your group’s neds
Family History Mystery:_Finding Anna worksheets – PDF file
Coffey family group sheet – PDF file
Transcribed Censuses and Marriage Record to use with the Finding Anna Worksheets – PDF
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