We would love to see you at RootsTech. Here is a list of our classes! To view the full schedule, go here: RootsTech Salt Lake City 2019 Schedule. For a full listing of all our activities, sales, and class materials from RootsTech, please go to our webpage here: https://familylocket.com/rootstech/.
The FamilySearch Catalog: A Researcher’s Best Friend, Diana, Wednesday 11am (Room 255) and repeated on Thursday 1:30pm (Room 254A)
Perspectives on Accreditation, Power Hour, Diana with Julie Stoddard and Lisa Stokes, Friday 8am (Room 150)
Research Logs: A Key to Organized Genealogy, Diana, Saturday 9:30am (Room 155B)
Organize Your Research with Google Drive, Nicole, Wednesday 9:30am (Room 355B)
Sharing Family History in Fun & Modern Ways, Power Hour, Nicole with Jana Greenhalgh and Olivia Jewell, Thursday, 8am (Room 151). We are giving away prizes, including an Epson FastFoto FF-680W Scanner (valued at $599) to one of lucky audience member.
Families Discovering Family History Together, Power Hour, Nicole with Jana Greenhalgh and Olivia Jewell, Saturday, 8am (Ballroom J) – this session will be recorded for viewing on the RootsTech website after the conference. It won’t be live streamed.
Un-Con / Speaker Area
Diana and I will be available to talk and chat at the Speaker “Unconferencing area” (Un-Con) #1847 in the expo hall at several times throughout the week. If you want to come find us, here is our schedule for the speaker area:
Wednesday, 7-8pm (Diana discussing FamilySearch Catalog Class, Nicole discussing Organizing with Google Drive class)
Thursday, 12pm (Nicole discussing Sharing Family History in Fun and Modern Ways class joined by Olivia Jewell and Jana Greenhalgh)
Thursday, 5:30pm (Diana discussing FamilySearch Catalog Class and Nicole joining her)
Friday, 12pm (Diana discussing Perspectives on Accreditation Power Hour class joined by Lisa Stokes and Julie Stoddard)
Saturday – We will be at our booth, #1225, most of the day!
Our Booth, #1225
Our booth is shared with the Genealogy Business Alliance. We will be there on Saturday only! Here is a list of what we will be doing at our booth:
-Enter to win a free registration for our online Research Like a Pro course
-Buy Felt Family Tree Kits to create an interactive activity with family pictures for the children in your life
-Buy our books, Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide and Find Names for the Temple: A Step-by-Step Method for Success, at a special publisher price!
-Buy laminated flowcharts that go along with the processes in our books in full size and bookmark size
-Family discovery day activities including adding to our Brave Ancestor tree and a Brave Ancestor scavenger hunt
-Get a locket necklace
-Grab some free salt water taffy
-Get some free cheat sheets
Expo Hall Map
Here is a map showing our booth and the speaker/un-con area.
To see the full expo hall map, go here: RootsTech Expo Hall and scroll about halfway down the page. You can also download a PDF of the map at this page and see a list of all the exhibitors to learn more about them.
If you are wondering what to pack and how to prepare for RootsTech, we recommend this excellent guide: RootsTech 2019 Conference Guide.
See you at the conference! Comment below to let us know if you’re coming! We would love to answer any questions you have about the conference as well.
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