If you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of trying to find names for the temple, you are not alone. Maybe you have a very full tree with many early members of the Church. You may have tried the new ordinances ready feature, but there were no available names for you. I’ve worked with many people with full trees and helped them find names with my process. Those with full trees must do descendancy research on the nonmember lines in their trees. It works every time! Here is the process chart:
Would you like to try doing all the steps in the Find Names for the Temple process with others in a group? Check out our brand new Facebook Group, Find Names for the Temple. This is an open group for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to practice the steps in my book, Find Names for the Temple: A Step-by-Step Method for Success.
The group has Units and steps to help you go through the process. After creating the 14 Day Mini Research Like a Pro challenge group, I realized how wonderful the Units feature in Facebook groups is! It’s great to be able to finish each task and mark it done, then see your progress in each unit. Try it out!
Each unit has a task for you to do. If you want to read about each step in more detail, check out my blog series here:
Part 1: Review the Accuracy of Your Tree
Part 3: Analyze Descendancy Trees
Part 6: Reserve Temple Ordinances
To view the list on our website with all the articles detailing each step, click here: Find Names for the Temple Articles.
If you would rather have a book version of the process, check out my eBook and paperback book here:
If you would like help getting started finding names for the temple, contact me about a consultation: nicole@familylocket.com. I can help you create a list of candidates for further research and help you make research plans.
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