Have you ever sat down at your computer to do some genealogy research and two hours later you come up for air? You’ve found interesting documents and looked at a lot of websites, but you didn’t find what you wanted and you don’t know where you looked? If so, you are not alone! Disciplining yourself to create a simple research plan and follow through is the hallmark of the true professional. The fourth in the...
Updated links as of 16 October 2024 When faced with a tough research problem, have you considered digging into the location? Often clues or even the answer to your question can be found with an in-depth look at the places your ancestor lived, worked, and died. Professional genealogists thoroughly research any new area as part of their planning and so can you! In Part 1 of the Research Like a Pro series, you learned...
Speaking Diana’s Topics Please contact us about speaking at your event. To see a list of Diana’s topics, go here: Diana’s Lecture Topics Nicole’s Topics To see a list of Nicole’s topics, go here: Nicole’s Lecture Topics. Nicole is limiting her speaking engagements while she works on her portfolio for certification. Our Upcoming Events Please contact us for more information about speaking at your event. Diana Elder, AG® Diana@FamilyLocket.com Recorded Presentations Legacy Family Tree Webinars...
How would you like to produce a research project in three hours complete with a research log, report, documents, family group sheet, and pedigree chart? That is exactly what each Accreditation candidate is asked to do for the final stage of testing. To be honest, this part of the process scared me the most so I was very glad to cover it in depth in my study group. I’ve now completed two practice projects and...
Have you considered becoming an Accredited Genealogist (AG)? Ever wondered about the process or what you can do to start preparing? In January 2016 I wrote about setting a goal to become an AG and it’s time for an update on my progress. Accreditation is through The International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen). Their website details information about the accreditation process. Here are some highlights: -Credentials are awarded on a regional basis which allows the applicant to...
Have you hit the proverbial brick wall in your family history research? Are you at a loss for taking the next step? What you might need is to invest in a local family history book written about your ancestor’s town, county, or general area. I wrote about the importance of understanding localities in my post “Location, Location, Location: Putting Your Ancestors in their Place.” Today’s post is about learning even more about that place where...
September 2024 Update: The Research Ties program mentioned in this blog post is no longer available. Are you ready to take your Family History efforts to the next level and actually get organized? Do you sometimes feel like you have spent the last hour of “research” mindlessly surfing the web looking for records of your family but you have no idea where you’ve been and what you’ve found? You might be ready to put...