The Research Like a ProⓇ with DNA Study Group will focus on using autosomal DNA in your genealogical research. One of the prerequisites for the study group is to have access to your autosomal DNA test results. (See the prerequisite section below). You may also wish to include evidence from Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA tests in your research project, but these tests are not required for the study group.
Registration is open until February 1.
Join our email list for updates: Study Group Email List.
The study group meets weekly for 16 weeks, with regular sessions on Wednesdays and short peer group sessions on Mondays. There are four break weeks for longer assignments. The peer group leaders also lead a question-and-answer session on Fridays. The first meeting will be held on February 5th, 2025. Those who are on Mountain Standard Time all year (in Arizona) should be aware that Daylight savings begins on March 9.
Each regular session, led by Diana and Nicole, will be approximately 2 hours long and will include:
-10-15 minute lesson about a question that came up during the week
– 100-minute lesson taught by Diana or Nicole, with breakout rooms to discuss relevant topics and a break halfway through
-5 minute discussion about the next assignment
Dates and Lesson Topics
All times are in Mountain Time. (Mountain Standard Time until March 9; then it will be Mountain Daylight Time, which begins March 9, 2025).
2/5/25 at 12pm MT – Lesson 1: Assess Your DNA Matches & Analyze Your Pedigree
2/12/25 at 6pm MT – Lesson 2: Organize Your DNA Results & Create a Research Objective
2/19/25 at 12pm MT – Lesson 3: Timelines, Source Citations for DNA & Documentary Sources, and File Organization
2/26/25 at 6pm MT – Lesson 4: Analyze Your Sources & DNA Matches
3/5/25 No study group meeting because of RootsTech
3/12/25 at 12pm MT – Lesson 5: Locality Research & Ethnicity
3/19/25 at 6pm MT – Lesson 6: Exploring DNA Tools & Methodology – genetic networks and pedigree triangulation
3/26/25 at 12pm MT – Lesson 7: Exploring DNA Tools & Methodology – chromosome browsers and segment data
4/2/25 at 6pm MT – Lesson 8: Research Planning – Selecting DNA Tools & Methodology
4/9/25 at 12 pm MT – Lesson 9: Following Your Plan, Research Logging, & Writing As You Go
4/16/25 No study group meeting to allow extra research time
4/23/25 at 6pm MT – Lesson 10: Correlating Findings & Writing Your Research Report
4/30/25 No study group meeting to allow extra writing time
5/7/25 at 12pm MT – Lesson 11: Finishing the Research Report, Publishing, Privacy, & Copyright
5/14/25 at 6pm MT – Lesson 12: Productivity & Further DNA Education
Peer Group Sessions and Peer Group Leaders
Peer group sessions are an opportunity for participants to meet with 5-6 other participants to discuss their projects. The peer group session will be facilitated by a peer group leader. Peer group leaders are genealogists who have experience integrating DNA into their research. Each participant will be assigned to a peer group leader who will give feedback on all of their assignments throughout the study group.
The peer group sessions will be on Mondays at some of these times: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, or 8pm MT and will last about 30-60 minutes. After registering we will send you a form which you can fill out with your preferences for meeting times on Mondays.
The purpose of the peer group session is to discuss your personal project and experience completing the assignment. Peer group leaders will also be completing a project during the study group. Their role is to facilitate the discussion during the peer group session. They will share their experience with the assignment as well.
If you are interested in becoming a peer group leader and receiving complimentary registration for the study group, please go to our application page here: RLP Peer Group Leaders.
Time Commitment
This is a fast-moving, time-intensive study group. After the regular session on Wednesday, you will have until Tuesday at 2pm to turn in your assignment. The time you will spend on assignments will depend on the difficulty of your objective. For typical objectives, expect to spend about 10-15 hours per week, or about 1-2 hours per day. For more difficult objectives, you may spend 15-20 or more hours per week. When you choose your objective, please take into account how much time you have to spend on the assignments and the difficulty level of your chosen objective.
Typical: Confirm or reject a traced relationship in the last 3-4 generations that you have already researched with documentary records. (Traced means you have used documentary records to trace your relationship to an ancestor). If this is the first time you are working with DNA evidence, we encourage you to focus on confirming the genetic connection to one of your second-great-grandparents.
Difficult: Test a hypothesized relationship in 3-6 generations that you may or may not have already researched with traditional genealogy records; or research unknown parents of an ancestor 3-6 generations back.
Peer Review and Feedback
Plan to spend 1-2 hours each week on peer review. After you turn in your assignment, you will have two days to review your assigned peers’ work and give them constructive comments. You will be assigned to give feedback to four people each week: three participants (that rotate each week), and your peer group leader. The purpose for peer review is twofold: (1) to learn from the work of others and (2) to provide helpful comments to others. We will create a feedback schedule that shows your assigned peers each week. It is critical that you complete your assignment on time and that you give feedback to your assigned peers. Past participants in the study group say that the peer review is one of their favorite parts of the experience.
After you register, you will be asked to sign a participation and confidentiality agreement stating that you agree to complete your assignments and participate in peer review for four people each week. The agreement also states that you will not share private information about DNA testers and matches mentioned in your peers’ work.
You will receive feedback from three participants and your peer group leader on each of your assignments. The instructors will provide feedback on the research objective, research plan,* and final report. (*Updated 1/24/2025)
We will be using the following tools for creating research reports, charts, and research logs during the course and suggest that you become familiar with them.
–Google Drive and Google Docs: Research notes, reflection journal, final report, commenting/peer review
–Lucidchart or Diagram of DNA matches in descendancy format
–Airtable: Spreadsheet/database of DNA matches, correspondence log, timeline, and research log
– Family Trees or a Family Tree Software program of your choice (optional): in Lesson 2, we will be encouraging you to organize your DNA matches by adding them to your family tree once you determine the relationship. This works well in’s online family tree program. You can also do this in whatever family tree software program you use (but not FamilySearch Family Tree or other online collaborative trees). We will not be sharing family trees for peer review.
Some guidance will be given for getting started with these tools after you register as well as during the course. Any time you can spend learning how to use these tools prior to the study group will aid your use of them for assignments. We’ll email you in the month before the study group begins with info about preparation lessons to watch to help you learn more about these tools.
Note about Google Drive and Word: We will not be giving support about how to convert Microsoft Word into Google Docs or sharing Microsoft Word documents on Google Drive. If you are comfortable doing this on your own, that’s fine. However we encourage everyone to create their documents in Google Docs for ease of sharing and peer review. Many prefer to write their final report in Word due to its superior capabilities for image captions, styles, formatting of footnotes, etc. You are welcome to use your favorite word processor for the final report, and save it as a PDF to upload to Google Drive for feedback.
A. Genealogy Research Experience
1. Create a family tree that is built on original records of at least 3 generations of ancestors, if possible. We recognize that you may have an adoptee or brick wall somewhere in the first 3 generations.
2. Read Research Like a Pro: A Genealogists Guide and complete each assignment, or complete the Research Like a Pro eCourse. You may also study the Research Like a Pro blog posts here. We strongly encourage you to write a genealogical research report prior to joining the RLP with DNA study group. If you are planning to work on a particular ancestor or objective in the study group, it’s beneficial to write a report summarizing the documentary research to this point prior to the study group.
3. Learn about how to use the most common record types for your region. (Think of 2-3 research questions you might work on in the study group and then focus on those regions). ICAPGen has PDF guides for many regions around the world listing which records you should be familiar with. Go to and scroll down to click on a region and see the PDF. Consider purchasing a Legacy Family Tree webinar subscription for a month to watch videos about researching in your region(s).
B. DNA and Genetic Genealogy Experience
1. Take an autosomal DNA test and receive your results before the start of the study group or have access to someone else’s autosomal DNA test results (parent, grandparent, etc.). The family tree in requirement A1 should correspond with the person whose DNA test you are using.
2. Transfer/copy your DNA results to additional testing companies’ databases. We recommend the following testing companies: 23andMe, Ancestry, FamilyTree DNA, LivingDNA, and MyHeritage. You may also want to transfer to GEDmatch. GEDmatch is a public database, carefully read the terms and conditions. Only transfer your raw DNA data if you agree with the terms and conditions. Ancestry has the largest database and the most family trees, so we encourage you to have access to an Ancestry test, at minimum, then transfer to the sites that accept uploads. Only Ancestry and 23andMe do not accept uploads. Practice using the websites and tools at the companies where you have your DNA and read their help articles to guide you. Below are links to the help centers of DNA testing companies:
—-23andMe Education Resources – Tutorials
—-FamilyTreeDNA Learning Center
You may also want to use the free “First Look” Classes provided at DNA Adoption for each testing company website.
3. Gain a basic understanding of DNA inheritance. You may do this in a variety of ways. Choose one of the following options:
a. Read one of these three books: The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy by Blaine T. Bettinger, Genetic Genealogy in Practice by Blaine T. Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne, or Tracing Your Ancestors Using DNA: A Guide for Family Historians edited by Graham S. Holton. (These are affiliate links. Thank you for the support!)
b. Watch the Legacy Family Tree Webinars Series DNA Course 1: Foundations – a five-part series by Blaine Bettinger covering Genealogy and DNA, DNA overview, Y-DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, and Autosomal DNA. (Legacy Family Tree Webinars costs $10 per month)
c. Watch several of these free videos and webinars:
—- What is Inheritance? – Learn.Genetics by the University of Utah
—- DNA Basics: An Introduction to DNA and Genealogy by Beth Taylor in the RootsTech Video Library
—- Mitochondrial DNA: mtDNA vs X DNA by Family Tree DNA
—- Why oh Why Do Your Y DNA? by Tanner Tolman in the RootsTech Video Library
—- Finding an Unknown Father Using DNA: A Case Study by Tanner Tolman in the RootsTech Video Library
—- Should I take a DNA test elsewhere? Or at all? by Diahan Southard in the RootsTech Video Library
—- Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors: Part 2 – Utilizing DNA and Searching Her FAN Club by Julie Stoddard, AG, in the RootsTech Video Library
—- Endogamy in DNA research by Tanner Tolman in the RootsTech Video Library
—- Double Trouble: Using DNA to Solve Two Generations of Adoptions by Daniel Jones, AG in the RootsTech Video Library
—- How third-party DNA tools can help with your family history research by Jonny Perl in the RootsTech Video Library
— Y-DNA and Mitochondrial DNA Testing Plans by Paul Woodbury in the RootsTech Video Library
— Examining Your DNA Matches with DNA Painter by Jonny Perl in the RootsTech Video Library
—- Videos by Blaine Bettinger – YouTube (clustering, Thrulines, MyHeritage AutoCluster, genetic networks, sharing different amounts of DNA, quick & dirty trees)
—- Family History Fanatics DNA Videos – YouTube
Diana Elder AGⓇ is a professional genealogist accredited in the Gulf South region of the United States. She serves as a Commissioner for The International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen). Diana first used Y-DNA in 2009 to connect her Texas Royston family to the descendants of John Royston, born in 1610 of Virginia. Since then Diana has continued adding to her DNA knowledge and experience. In 2018 she completed the Advanced DNA course, “A Practical Approach: Establishing Genealogical Proof with DNA” at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and regularly uses DNA in her client work as well as her own family history research. Diana is the author of the bestselling book, Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide and the creator of the Research Like a Pro study group and e-Course. Diana and her daughter, Nicole Dyer are the hosts of the Research Like a Pro Genealogy Podcast and share research tips on their website, Follow Diana’s case study for using DNA and traditional genealogy in her seven-part series, beginning with Creating an Objective for a DNA Research Project.
Nicole Dyer
Nicole Dyer is a professional genealogist, lecturer, and creator of and The Research Like a Pro Genealogy Podcast. She is the co-author of Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide. Nicole speaks at genealogy conferences and events including RootsTech, the National Genealogy Society Conference, and institutes. She specializes in Southern United States research and enjoys incorporating DNA evidence into her research. She has completed the following genealogical institutes: Intermediate Foundations at Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG), Introduction to Genetic Genealogy at SLIG, Advanced Methods at SLIG, All-DNA Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum at SLIG, Meeting Standards Using DNA Evidence – Research Strategies at SLIG, and Advanced DNA Evidence at the Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research (IGHR). She has taught in DNA courses at SLIG and IGHR.
Refund Policy
If you decide after registering that you can’t continue with the study group, we are happy to offer you the following options.
Before registration closes: A full refund minus PayPal fees.
After registration closes: Tuition may be applied to a future study group.
Policy Updated 12/1/2023
Alison Greve –
This was an enjoyable course. It was tough but with using Research Like a Pro everything seems to come together at the end. You will learn DNA. It does not matter if you have knowledge or not you can all take the class at the same time. Someone with knowledge can help someone who has no idea of DNA. I enjoy the teachers of this course so very much. They are great and ready to help you if needed. Try it out you will be happy that you did.
Tamara Stevenson –
This is a must for those wishing to learn more about using DNA in family history. The topics covered the whole spectrum; basic DNA understanding, using DNA tools for further analysis, to writing up a final report. I love their podcasts and learn a lot from listening to them. And also learn so much from reading the blogs and book. However, the study group offered a whole new level to my learning experience. The accountability of the study group was a big plus. At first, I was a little intimidated by the peer review, but came to really look forward to reviewing others to learn more from them. And having fellow class members provide feedback on my assignments was also very helpful. Diana, Robin and Nicole did a wonderful job of presenting the topics and answering questions as they arose. I am planning to take the course again as I have more to learn and loved it so much!
Heidi Mathis –
This course was fantastic. The design was well constructed to give us a chance to practice each aspect of their method- very much learn by doing. The way the course worked I could really choose how challenging to make it, so there was no fear of it being too difficult. I felt challenged in a good way and made real progress in understanding how to use DNA tools. Even though I had listened to and loved most all of their podcast episodes, I learned so much from the course lessons and especially the opportunity to ask them questions. I realized that my own way of researching really did end up being less effective than the more organized and in the long term more effective way to make progress on my research goals. Besides the chance to practice skills with the expert instruction and feedback I got, the next best thing was participating in the peer group. I learned so much from our mentor and the others in my group. Thank you Diana, Nicole and Robin!
Stacy Ryan –
This study group was a real eye-opening experience in learning how to use DNA evidence in a research project. I started this project knowing very little about the paternal side of my family. I had thousands of DNA Matches, but could only place a handful of them on my tree. Using DNA evidence, along with my traditional research, I was able to separate fact from family lore to learn more about my ancestors in Canada. But I discovered much more than that. I discovered DNA matches descended from four different lines of my family that may help me discover our MRCA in Ireland…people I never would have known I was related to if not for this study group! This study group is an incredible opportunity to learn how to systematically research our ancestor, find answers to our questions, and discover new questions for future research. I highly recommend this group to anyone wanting to learn a better way to research.
Kaelyn Deeter –
The study group was incredible. I started with very little knowledge of traditional or DNA research. I set out with quite a daunting project and made incredible progress and now have 9 candidates for a parent of my second great grandfather. My family never thought this would be possible and through this class, I have learned how to push back our tree using DNA. The teachers went well beyond my expectations in all respects. The feedback received from them, our mentor, and peers are what truly elevates the study group experience. I highly recommend this class and will very likely be returning for future study groups!
Camille Elder –
I came in to the course knowing the basics but with very little practical, hands-on experience (both for genealogy in general and also DNA). Having feedback from my peer group, mentor and from the instructors was an enormous boon. I still have so much to learn, but the process WORKS. It got newbie me to finish a 10+ page research report. It does take work to grow and trust the process and tools sometimes, but this study group taught me that genealogy can be “for” everyone, not just the pros! That’s the beauty of RLP. It makes the professional genealogy world accessible to everyone! Diving more in depth with the study group helped me be even more successful in completing the process.
Lisa Glass –
I took the first RLP with DNA study group and learned quite a bit. I liked it so much, I signed up for the second course. I was amazed at how much more I learned. Diana, Nicole and Robin are great teachers and facilitators. The structure of the course with peer review and mentor sessions is fantastic. I am fairly new to both genealogy and DNA. While my interest definitely leans more toward the DNA side, after having learned so much in this course, I will probably sign up for the traditional RLP study group.
Judy Schaap –
The course instructors are all very well versed in their material, are great instructors and presentors and provide an atmosphere that is very welcoming and encouraging. The instructors and mentors are open to questions and follow up completely with clear explanations. This course is extremely fast paced as we are informed prior to enrolling. I had completed many of the prerequisites and I suggest that the more that are completed, the better prepared you will be including learning the technology thoroughly before beginning. I took this course to solve an unknown parent question and hoped by putting fresh eyes on it, I could at the very least prove or disprove my path of investigation. Although the question was not answered, my previous work was shown to have a sound basis and I have developed a strong research plan to proceed. I strongly recommend the course to broaden basic DNA knowledge, to gain an overview of DNA tools and the sharpen research techniques.
Judith Blanco –
Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group is an outstanding course. I highly recommend it. I just finished the 2020 fall session and found it extremely helpful to learn more about DNA research and to apply it to my genealogy questions. The course is very well organized. The instructors are very knowledgeable and are open to sharing their knowledge to all questions. There is so much to learn in this area and though I learned so much, I’m hoping to repeat the course next year. If you are looking to learn about applying DNA research to your traditional research this is the course for you.
Payton James-Amberg –
I highly recommend Research Like a Pro with DNA. What I love about the RLP study groups (I’ve participated in two), is that they are principle-based and project-based. You learn by doing a project of your own choosing (which gives great flexibility depending on how much time you can devote to class), but what you learn about planning, organization, research, report writing and citations can (and should!) be applied to any project. Because it is project-based, it is appropriate for any background or ability level. The class sessions provided information about all major DNA analysis tools and how to use them, then we each figured out what tools would be helpful for our particular projects. Instruction from Nicole, Diana, and Robin was well-organized and recorded so participant can go back and review anything you might not have grasped the first time. Our weekly mentoring sessions (small group discussion) provided a place for feedback, advice, problem-solving and a chance to see how other tools can be applied to genealogical questions, and were a valuable part of the course. The instructors and mentors create a supportive, friendly, and fun learning environment. I came into the class with a 40 year old question, a few disorganized genealogical records, and a couple of distant cousins identified. I left with a 45 page, fully cited paper showing my immigrant ancestor’s family of origin (parents, full and half-siblings) in which an indirect traditional proof argument was fully and coherently supported by DNA findings and analysis.
Lisa Stokes –
Fantastic course! Diana, Nicole, and Robin are outstanding instructors. And the course materials are so well organized and thorough. The flow of topics allowed incredible hands-on learning opportunities using a personal DNA project. The instructors provided excellent lessons on using DNA tools and then writing up a report. This course is the best bang for your money if you want to learn about using DNA to enhance your research!
Laura Lefler –
Research Like a Pro with DNA was a great course! I came in with a great desire to learn, but I had very little background in how to “do” DNA. I felt like I was running to keep up, but everyone was supportive and helpful along the way. Diana, Nicole, and Robin are great educators and mentors. The course is organized so you have a lecture/discussion on one day. After you’ve worked a couple days on your own, they provided a “Ask Anything” hour so you could get additional help with anything that you didn’t quite understand. Then a couple days after that, we met in a small group and had the opportunity to discuss what was going well, what wasn’t, and receive additional help from our peers. It was sooo helpful for me to know that even though I felt I had less experience than anyone, I knew everyone was working hard to help me be successful in all of the course assignments. I loved the course! I am anxious to take the class again to tackle another family brick wall.
Jodi Nelson –
The Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group exceeded my expectations! I thoroughly enjoyed the course and plan on taking again in the future. I was extremely impressed with the attention to detail, and greatly appreciated the time and effort the instructors have put into this course. The course is well thought out and organized, and worth every penny. I would highly recommend it to those looking to step up their genetic genealogy research.
Kendra Stephenson –
The course teaches you how to be more deliberate and organized in all aspects of genealogy research and gives you hands on experience using the techniques taught. Including techniques in using a variety of DNA match identification and analysis tools in the course exponentially increases the value of the course. Diana and Nichole are great teachers with an obvious interest in their students and their projects.
Patricia Grove –
This is an excellent course, taught in an encouraging, organized and systematic manner. Though the principles and methods are rigorous, Diana & Nicole present it in an attainable process, encouraging everyone to learn what they can. The material on the DNA methods & tools was worth the cost of admission! I’ll be revisiting the resources for the foreseeable future to gain mastery with new projects.
Renee Plante –
I haven’t felt this organized and accomplished since beginning genealogy research more than six years ago. Diana and Nicole not only teach how to evaluate the traditional records at a deeper level, but give many tips and tricks on tracking, recording, and presenting these findings. The DNA portions include vital education about different kinds of DNA and how to evaluate the matches at various testing sites. Third-party tools are taught for an even deeper analysis. This course has greatly strengthened my skills and I plan to take it again to further my education.
Tammy MacDonald –
I can’t believe there aren’t more reviews for this class. At first you are overwhelmed with information, then you settle in with your “group.” If you are just beginning with DNA you can customize your work to your own comfort level and push your boundaries as you experiment with new DNA tools. There is a lot of support. Diana and Nicole have developed a community that encourages each other to succeed. You will learn a lot. It might not all sink in at once. I plan on going back an reviewing each section. The Airtable section. It’s fantastic! I’ve done many genealogy classes and never been able to corral my work. Nicole has done a superb job in creating a genealogy Airtable and then teaching us how to use it.
Jill Nock –
Research Like a Pro with DNA is taught in such a way that you can apply it to just about any DNA project you can think of. I was able to conclusively identify the connection between my 3rd and 4th great-grandfathers. Diana and Nicole have put a lot of effort into creating lesson plans that systematically walk you through each phase of a DNA project from assessing your DNA matches to planning your further DNA education at the end. An additional bonus is weekly ‘Ask Me Anything’ and peer group sessions where student mentors can help other students with questions about coursework. Diana and Nicole are also readily available through email and the Facebook group to answer questions. If you have a brick wall in your genealogy, you should take this course and use DNA to help you break it down. It helped me, and I’ll be back again for my next DNA project.
Patricia Balkcom –
I recently completed the “Researching Like a Pro Using DNA” 12-week intensive course, and I am immensely pleased with the experience. This course is perfectly designed for intermediate to advanced genealogists who are ready to dedicate over 15 hours a week to deep, enriching assignments.
The instructors were outstanding, offering a wealth of resources and presenting lessons with clarity and depth. The chance to collaborate with knowledgeable peers, including several certified or accredited genealogists, was particularly thrilling and enhanced the learning experience.
A personal highlight was learning to use Airtable, a versatile tool that I now plan to incorporate not only in my genealogical research but also in travel planning, health record keeping, and other aspects of life. A special thanks to Nicole for her diligent efforts in crafting an invaluable Airtable base.
While I didn’t have time to explore all the DNA tools offered during the course, I now feel equipped to experiment with them on my own, thanks to the knowledge gained through the class. Additionally, the insights into AI, facilitated by our excellent peer group mentor, Mark Thompson, were particularly useful.
I highly recommend this course to anyone serious about leveraging DNA in their genealogical research, improving their approach to a research question, and learning how to write a in-depth paper. The commitment is substantial, but the rewards are even greater. It was truly worth my time.