Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about Chapter 3 of Research Like a Pro with DNA, “Organize your DNA Matches Visually with Diagrams and Family Trees.” We discuss diagramming your matches in Lucidchart or similar program and adding DNA matches to your family tree program. Transcript Nicole (1s): This is Research Like A Pro. Episode 240 RLP with DNA. Three Organize Your DNA Matches Visually Welcome to Research like a Pro, a Genealogy...
Steve Little, one of our Research Like a Pro with DNA 4 Study Group members, wrote this guest blog post about how he uses diagrams to help visualize the multiple relationships with his DNA matches. He is from a community of mild endogamy — Appalachia. I hope his insights will help anyone dealing with multiple relationships with DNA matches, pedigree collapse, and endogamy. -Nicole Don’t panic! At first glance, the swirling tangle of lines below...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about Diana’s RLP with DNA study group project. Diana is sharing her work to diagram Victor’s matches and become familiar with his close matches. She also analyzed a network graph made with Gephi showing Victor’s matches. Diana shares her research objective for the project to discover Cynthia Dillard’s father. Transcript Nicole (1s): This is Research Like a Pro episode 173 RLP with DNA Study Group Part 2-...
Are you like me and overwhelmed by DNA and this new wealth of information for genealogists? If so, I am going through my experience with the Research Like a Pro with DNA e-course to help those looking for a way to get started! This is the second post in the series. The first step in the RLP with DNA process is discussed in Assess Your DNA Matches and Analyze Your Pedigree. In this step, I...
When researching complicated families with many men of the same name, how do you track them? Can you really sort out individuals and come up with a possible father for your difficult ancestor? You may think it impossible, but with good research practices and a way to visualize the information it can be done. I first wrote about the Norman family research project a year ago in Researching Low-Tech Style With a Whiteboard. I outlined...
Are you hoping to use your DNA test results to break down a long-standing brick wall in your family tree? What are the steps you need to take? I’m using the Research Like a Pro process combined with DNA to tackle one of my mysteries and sharing my experience here. The first step in the research process is to create an objective based on your research question. In Creating an Objective for a DNA Research...
Do you have a lot of people with the same surname in a locality and don’t know how to sort them out? I run into this situation occasionally. What do I resort to using? My large whiteboard and a set of dry erase colored markers. If you have a similar family history challenge, I’m sharing the steps I take to sort out the generations and the families. When finished, my whiteboard may look sort of...
In our podcast episode today, Diana and I discuss one of our new favorite tools, Lucid Chart! After Robin Wirthlin, our genetic genealogist friend and guest blogger, wrote about using LucidChart, and helped Nicole get started using it, we quickly realized how useful it is when doing client projects involving DNA matches. We talked about how Diana found her sister’s biological parents with DNA diagramming complex relationships of matches with MindMup, a free open source...
Are you challenged with visualizing how you connect to your DNA matches? DNA companies provide match lists, but sometimes we need to take control of our DNA data and organize it in a way that works for us. Creating a genetic family tree for your DNA matches might be easier than you think. Robin Wirthlin, FamilyLocket’s new genetic genealogist shares three ways to view your DNA matches in the following article. I’m looking forward to...