Find Names for the TempleĀ is available for purchase in paperback or eBook! To celebrate, we would like to share the eBook with you in exchange for a review on Amazon. If you are interested in reading a free PDF version of the book and trying the method, please contact me at Reviews will help potential readers know if they want the book. Also, we value your opinions. We want to get the ideas out there and hear your feedback. Someday we will revise the method and edit the book for it’s second edition!
Let me tell you about how the method works. First, review the accuracy of yourĀ tree inĀ FamilySearchĀ Family Tree by checking each ancestral relationship and the sources attached. This ensures that you have a solid foundation to work from. Then, analyze your tree to determine if it’s partial, full, or full with LDS ancestors. If your tree is full with many LDS ancestors, begin listing research opportunities by finding the non-LDS ancestors in each line. Create Puzzilla trees for each of the ancestors in your list and view their descendants. Find candidates for further research and make a list. Prayerfully choose a candidate to focus on and then begin a research project to discover their spouse and/or children. When you find new relatives, add them toĀ FamilySearch and reserve the ordinances.
Below is a flow chart from the first part of the book showing the step-by-step method from start to finish.
Send me an email at if you’re interested in reviewing the book! I will send you more details and a PDF version of the book. We ask that you post your review on Amazon by August 15.
Check outĀ Find Names for the TempleĀ for sale in paperback and eBookĀ here.
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