Janine from Organize Your Family History shared her 30×30 challenge the other day and I was inspired to do it too. I’m excited to join her in researching 30 minutes every day for the next 30 days!
What better way to prepare for the RootsTech conference that I get to attend for the first time this year, February 3-6, in Salt Lake City. As I’m researching I’ll choose the classes that most apply to what I need to learn to solve the questions and problems I have in my research.
Doing family history research in small increments of time has always been my go to method for fitting it in to a busy schedule. Fitting in 30 minutes of anything doesn’t seem impossible! I’ve never tried consistently researching for 30 days straight, so I can’t wait to see how this kind of focus will help me stay on track and accomplish my goals.
Here are my goals for the next 30 days:
-Contact close DNA matches from the ancestry DNA test and ask about memories about great grandparents
-Find documents about my elusive Welch and Keaton ancestors in South Carolina
-Gather family stories that support our family mission statement to share with my kids
-Fill out branches in my family tree by adding more cousins
I’ll post an update to my progress in a couple weeks. I hope you’ll join me by making of goal of consistent research this new year!
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