The Easter initiative hosted at this year is #PrinceofPeace – following the Savior helps us find peace. I wanted to create something for this initiative that would reflect the peace that comes from temples and being sealed together as families. I found a talk by Elder Quentin L. Cook that beautifully illustrates how families can find peace as they follow Christ to to higher ground: We Follow Jesus Christ, Quentin L. Cook, April 2010 General Conference.
Following the Prince of Peace to Higher Ground
Easter Family Home Evening Lesson
or Families Can Be Together Forever
Discussion: The Prince of Peace
For Easter, we are learning about the Prince of Peace. Who is the Prince of Peace? (Jesus Christ) Did Jesus’ disciples feel peace after he died? How did they feel? (Sad, mourning, despair) What happened after three days? (Jesus was resurrected) How did the disciples feel when they learned Jesus was alive again? (Joy, comfort, hope, peace) How does it feel when someone we love dies? How can Jesus bring us hope and peace when we’re mourning? At Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and how this brings us peace.
Read the following story or watch the video: Seek the Higher Ground
Peace Comes From Moving to Higher Ground
In 2009, people in Samoa mourned when they lost members of their family to a tsunami that hit their island. Do you know what a tsunami is? It’s an enormous wave that comes after an earthquake. If you see the big wave coming, you should run somewhere high, like a hill, or on top of a tree or house.
Elder Cook went to Samoa and met these families were mourning. He said, “The chapel was full, and it was an emotional meeting. We were able to assure these choice members that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, they can be reunited with the loved ones they have lost.”
Elder Cook told about the stake president, Sonny Purcell, who was driving when he saw the enormous wave coming. He stopped the children on the road and warned them to run for higher ground. He kept driving until he found his four-year-old and put her in the car. He tried to get his mother, but the wave picked up his car and swept it far away and got it stuck in a tree. He put his daughter on top of the car then swam to rescue his mother. Many others were not so fortunate and lost their lives.
One mother that Elder Cook talked to was very sad. She cried when she told him that their daughter died in the tsunami and their family had not been to the temple. They made a goal to go to the temple and be sealed.
Elder Cook said, “As I have pondered what this sister said and the current condition of the world, I have felt an urgency to counsel each of us to seek the higher ground—the refuge and eternal protection of the temple. On Easter Sunday, April 3, 1836, … the Savior appeared in majesty to the Prophet Joseph and Oliver Cowdery and through Moses, Elias, and Elijah ushered in the restoration of additional priesthood keys, including the sacred sealing power that unites families throughout eternity. Today on this Easter morning we rejoice in all the Savior has done for us. He has made it possible for each of us to gain our salvation and exaltation. But we, like the Samoan children, must run as fast as we can to the high ground He has provided for safety and peace.” (We Follow Jesus Christ, Quentin L. Cook, April 2010 General Conference).
Discussion: Principles of Peace
President Monson said, “Reflect on the teachings of the Prince of Peace and determine to incorporate them in our thoughts and actions and to live a higher law, walk a more elevated road, and be a better disciple of Christ.” (Finding Peace, President Thomas S. Monson, March 2004 First Presidency Message)
This Easter, we are learning about 8 principles of peace that will help us reach higher ground and find safety and peace: Faith, Compassion, Forgiveness, Repentance, Gratitude, Scripture / Word of God, Prayer, Hope.
Journey to Higher Ground Game
Get your scriptures and play this cooperative game. As you play, you will read scriptures about the principles of peace and apply them to your lives and move your family game piece up to higher ground.
When you reach higher ground together as a family, have a special treat that you can enjoy together as the prize.
Download a PDF version of the Family Home Evening Lesson here:
Following the Prince of Peace to Higher Ground FHE lesson
Download the Higher Ground Board Game Here:
I hope you can use it this Easter to teach about the Savior and the joy he brings to families. To read more about the initiative, go to A FAQ Guide to the #PrinceOfPeace Easter Campaign, or To see more kits for the Prince of Peace initiative, go to The Red Headed Hostess.
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