Parenting is busy. Taking care of children wonderful and exhausting at the same time. How can parents who are already feeling overwhelmed with work, volunteering, homework, play dates, sports, laundry, and meals find time to share family history with their children? In last month’s link up, 15 moms and 1 dad told why telling kids about their heritage important, and this month we’re giving tips for how to actually learn about your family history. As you start making discoveries, you’ll be ready to share with your kids when they need it.
“I want to learn about my ancestors but genealogy seems overwhelming to me. Maybe when the kids are older.”
“I researched for an hour and didn’t find anything. It seems like it was a waste of time.”
“What should I work on? There’s so much to do in my family history and I only get to it every 3 months.”
“I love family history, but I’m swamped with church, work, and family stuff, so I’m taking the ‘every thing has a season’ approach, and saving it for another season.”
Have you ever felt like this? Are you a busy parent? Please share your obstacles to finding time for family history in the comments section. We’ll do our best to share tips that might help. Join us – genealogy moms, dads, and bloggers – on April 19 to read all our ideas for busy parents.
Read the tips that were shared here:
April 2017 Blog Link Up: Family History Tips for Busy Parents
Family History for Children Blog Link Up
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