Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about using 23andMe DNA matches with Ancestry’s tree-building capabilities to make connections and discoveries. 23andMe provides haplogroups and X-DNA matches for autosomal testing which can help in identifying whether a DNA match is on the maternal or the paternal line. Join us as we discuss Fran Shockley’s organizational method for adding 23andMe match info to Ancestry trees. Links Combining the DNA Power of 23andMe with the Tree...
Do you have your DNA results on 23andMe and would like to use Ancestry’s tree-building capabilities to make connections and discoveries? If so, this article will provide ideas of how to work with the matches to get the best results for your DNA analysis. 23andMe provides haplogroups and X-DNA matches for autosomal testing which can help in identifying whether a DNA match is on the maternal or the paternal line. Fran Shockley, the Family Story...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about organizing your DNA matches by adding them to your Ancestry tree. We talk about building trees for your matches within one master tree so you don’t have a long list of Ancestry trees. We also go over how to add a floating or disconnected branch to your Ancestry tree to allow you to build your matches’ trees and find the common ancestor. We review privacy settings...
Using a family tree program to organize your DNA matches is useful for several reasons. You can: – add DNA matches to your tree and link them back to your common ancestor – include DNA matches from various testing databases in one central location – check the evidence for each parent-child relationship and add documentation – build quick trees for DNA matches who haven’t shared a full tree – do descendancy research to find potential...
After you write about your DNA research results, you may want to share your report. What should you do to prepare your report for sharing and/or publication? When your research includes living people and their DNA match information, how does that impact the steps you take? There are several considerations, including private vs. public sharing, permission, and safeguards against separation. Once your document is ready to share, how do you post it? Ancestry trees, the...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about managing your family trees. Do you have your tree on several websites as well as your software program? How many places do you need to put your tree? Join us as we discuss the purpose behind sharing a family tree online, having a working tree, and using trees as tools for DNA research. Links 3 Reasons to Have Personal Genealogy Software and How to Choose by...
As you discover new sources for an ancestor, do you add them to your online Ancestry tree? How do you create a source citation for that source and what notes should you include? With so many genealogists using Ancestry’s tree building and hinting capabilities, our added source may end up being multiplied and added to other trees. If we document our source well, another researcher will be able to retrace our footsteps and find the...
Have you noticed Ancestry DNA’s Thrulines and perhaps clicked around exploring this new feature? How can it help you in breaking down brick walls? Are there limitations to it’s use? We’ll take a look at these questions and more in this article. If you haven’t yet discovered Thrulines, some exciting clues might be waiting for you. What is Ancestry DNA ThruLines? First, what is ThruLines and how does it work? A big clue is directly...