Have you wondered how DNA segment data could help with a research project? I have been working on a chromosome map in DNA Painter for several years and gradually added matches that I’ve identified descending from one of my ancestral couples. For my Cline DNA research project, I’m seeking genetic evidence confirming my hypothesis that John C. Cline is the father of Clemsy (Cline) Weatherford. Using the segment tools that are part of GEDmatch’s Tier...
If you have tested your DNA at Living DNA or uploaded a kit there, you may have wondered how to use the site best. With a much smaller pool of DNA test-takers, you probably don’t have many close matches, and without family trees, it has been difficult to identify common family lines. Two new tools released recently, however, give us more options for discovering and grouping our matches – the chromosome browser and the matchbox,...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about the second half of Chapter 8 in Research Like a Pro with DNA. This part of the chapter focuses on tools that use segment data to help you find common ancestors with your matches. We discuss chromosome browsers, segment triangulation, chromosome mapping, DNA Painter, visual phasing, and several third party tools. We also review tools to help analyze mitochondrial DNA, Y-DNA, and X-DNA matches. Transcript Nicole...
Can segment patterns help you differentiate matches with paternal grandparent from a maternal grandparent? A tool at DNA Painter helps you do just that. The tool is called Library of Matches – https://dnapainter.com/tools/lom, developed by Cody Ely. In a blog post titled “Introducing the Library of Matches,” from May 2022, Cody shares how he came up with the tool. He was working on an unknown parentage case and was trying to determine if a 333...
Do you have DNA matches that seem to belong in multiple genetic networks? Are you nervous that you’re seeing pedigree collapse or endogamy? Before you despair, realize that this phenomenon could be due to DNA matches sharing more than one common ancestral couple with each other, or what’s often called “multiple relationships.” In Diana’s post, Endogamy, Pedigree Collapse, and Multiple Relationships: What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter, she talked briefly about multiple relationships...
Many Americans have been told by relatives that they have Native American ancestry and want to find out if the story is accurate. DNA testing has the capability to help people determine if they inherited any DNA from Native American ancestors. At RootsTech 2020, I attended a class taught by DNA expert Roberta Estes entitled “Native American DNA: Confirming Those Stories.” I am sharing some of the helpful information from Roberta’s class and including links...
Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is a discussion with Robin Wirthlin about DNA tools and methods involving segment data. AncestryDNA doesn’t provide segment data, but the other companies do! With chromosome browsers and segment data, you can use segment triangulation and chromosome mapping to prove common ancestors. Join us as we talk about how this all works! Links The Chromosome Browser: A Tool for Visualizing Segment Data by Nicole at Family Locket Segment...
What if you could find an automated program that would help you… – Look through your DNA matches trees to find shared ancestors – Identify triangulated groups, and – See DNA segments that you share in common with your matches Would you be interested? DNA Gedcom tools can do all of that! Rob Warthen, who founded DNAGedcom in 2013, was looking for a faster, better, more understandable way to interpret DNA test results. He and...
Have you ever tried to explain your pursuit of DNA matches, and found it hard put into words? Have you ever wanted to see an image of your DNA and how it connects you to your ancestors? Chromosome mapping will help you come up with an answer! The goal in using DNA in our genealogy research is to learn which segments of our DNA we inherited from specific ancestors and use them to learn more...